Wot Maus Weak Spots
Confrontation helps you learn WoT penetration mechanics Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point The app shows all tank weak spots interactively Collision is for measuring how much damage you can deal (and take) by ramming.
Wot maus weak spots. All Weakspots On The Tier 10 Heavy Tanks!. As stated in section 16 ("Beta Tests") of the World of Tanks Terms of BatChâtillon 25 t, AMX 50 B, E100, Leopard1, Grille 15, Jagdpanzer E 100, E 50 Ausf M, Maus, STB1, Type 5 Heavy, T110E4, T110, T110E5 Effective in close combat with more heavily armored vehicles by using speed to gain position and attack weak spots Typical. Wargaming’s official guide park video on the tier 10 Maus tank and includes tips & tricks for how to best utilize this German super heavy tank, its weaknesses, map tips and more The video was originally launched by World of Tanks in the North America region during early 16.
ELC EVEN 90 French Premium Light Tank World of Tanks Sir Havoc Why You Need the Cavalier Tier 5 British Medium World of Tanks Sir Havoc STB1 Review/Guide, My Favorite Tier 10 Medium Taugrim Player Stats NA EU Asia Search Top Tanks tanksgg is a player created website for World of Tanks We are not an official Wargaming or World of Tanks. All Weakspots On The Tier 10 Heavy Tanks!. Posted in The Barracks I thought I would make a video on the tier ten heavy weakspots, to try and help any of you guys out who might be struggling to tackle some of them Feel free to reply if you feel I have missed out on anything and let me know if you think I could do anything better next time I do a weakspots guide!.
Confrontation helps you learn WoT penetration mechanics Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point The app shows all tank weak spots interactively Collision is for measuring how much damage you can deal (and take) by ramming. Report Browse more videos Playing next World Of Tanks Maus 10 Kills Block Armor Damage 8700 Damage AkuSengaL Gaming 454 Стальные монстры ого века №6 Maus. And while the armor is obviously quite good for a tier 8 heavy in many respects, the prominent weak spots and the ease with which the VK can be flanked do limit its effectiveness Finally, the simple things you can do to help protect the weak spotsconstant movement, basicallyaggravate the poor gun handling.
I will try to either persuade or dissuade you to buy these tanks in my articles Here are links to the other two, A32, Valentine II(A Pz 38h trying to knock down a tree) History The French had around 800 of these little tanks (produced by Hothckiss), which were. Like its big brother Maus it has a weak spot when angled under the spaced armor flaps covering the tracks Simply shoot between the lower glacis and side spaced armor for easy shots If you can’t hit this area then your best bet is either the cupola, turret ring, or upper side hull Interested in German Tanks and the Maus Prototypes?. World of Tanks Maus Weak Spots Angled View Once a Maus angles it is essentially game over even for tier 10 tanks The turret weak spots from the frontal view can be used if the Maus driver does not angle his turret in between shots in which case both the frontal turret and side turret are immune to anything thrown at them.
Tank Analyzer World of Tanks World of Tanks Vehicle Analyzer assesses key vehicle performance based on five critical areas Firepower Armor Mobility View Range Hitpoints The vehicle's stats are compared against other vehicles in its category and given a rating between 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. Random Number Generator The random number generator in World of Tanks works by assigning a random value to the shells damage and penetration value, the fluctuation is / 25% so a gun with a 100 ap can end up having a max ap of 125 and the lowest value can be 75, these values are different for each shot, so you can find yourself Ricochet of a weakspot just because of a low roll, damage works. World of Tanks T110E5 Weak Spots Frontal View Lower Glacis Weak Spots The T110e5 goes all in with its armor frontally with an impressive armor scheme Most tanks either go with sheer thickness or heavy angles This tank goes with both approaches which gives it excellent armor across most of the front.
ELC EVEN 90 French Premium Light Tank World of Tanks Sir Havoc Why You Need the Cavalier Tier 5 British Medium World of Tanks Sir Havoc STB1 Review/Guide, My Favorite Tier 10 Medium Taugrim Player Stats NA EU Asia Search Top Tanks tanksgg is a player created website for World of Tanks We are not an official Wargaming or World of Tanks. Alexbuildit's guide to the (minimaus) PZ Kpfw 38h 735(f) posted in German Tanks Hello and welcome to my third written guide!. IFacePalm tank reviews the German super heavy tier 10 Maus tank during September of and starts out by walking us through its tank statistics including a stats comparison against the E 100 The World of Tanks review continues with an in depth armour analyse, 2 game play replays and a short sum up.
Maus Developed from June 1942 through July 1944, with two prototypes produced, only one of which received a turret and armament More details > Maus E 100 In June 1943 the Adlerwerke company received an order for development of the E100 However, in 1944 development of heavy tanks was discontinued By the end of the war only the chassis. Xray allows you to see the WoT collision models, WoT modules locations and WoT visual models Here you can check the thickness of every armor plate Confrontation helps you learn WoT penetration mechanics Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point The app shows all tank weak spots interactively. The turret armor is a massive weak spot Tier 3s can penetrate the 50mm thickness Not a brawler 75mm L48's avantage is accuracy, it is an inferior penetration gun, with less RoF than American 76mm M1A1 or B Additionally, the transmission is located in the lower glacis, and engine damage is possible from the front.
Its main weapon is the 128 cm KwK 44 L/55, the same top gun used on the VK 4502 (P) Ausf B and E75 It lacks penetration in comparison with the tier X guns of other nations, but it's accurate enough to reliably hit weak spots, even at medium range Early Research The radio is carried over from earlier tanks, mount it immediately. Report Browse more videos Playing next World Of Tanks Maus 10 Kills Block Armor Damage 8700 Damage AkuSengaL Gaming 454 Стальные монстры ого века №6 Maus. Again, try angling your vehicle Even if there's always a small spot where it can be penetrated easily, at least it makes it harder to hit Commander's cupola Both weak and rather easy to hit, depending on yours and your enemy's position Either try to stand on the higher ground or use some cover to your right, if there's any (also works with the machine gun port;.
Posted in The Barracks I thought I would make a video on the tier ten heavy weakspots, to try and help any of you guys out who might be struggling to tackle some of them Feel free to reply if you feel I have missed out on anything and let me know if you think I could do anything better next time I do a weakspots guide!. The floor of the turret was welded together from two 93 mm thick plates with localized weak spots A 35 cm wide round opening was cut in the top of the turret and a 25 cm round opening was cut in the rear As neither was large enough for a hatch, the report author assumed that the hulls and turrets were sent to Meppen before they were fully cut. This can even sometime bounces tier X TD shots Yes (Say below why) (16 votes 3902%) Percentage of vote 3902% Tier 10 Turret Weak Spots posted in General Discussion My style of play is mostly about working the ridgelines after spotting the enemy Ill be taking tank requests Learn how to easily take one down 12 Wenn ihr diesen Ausdruck von erfahrenen Panzerkommandanten hört.
There are surprisingly quite a few tanks with weak points on the mantle, such as the 263, KV5, and Maus "My dear brothers, take note of this Men should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires". This tactic works well for the lone poker that comes at you track him, bounce his shot and then put three killer holes into his weak spots using the great penetration of yours, all before he can reload. World of Tanks is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming We're Redditors with a passion for gaming, tanks, and everything in between!.
Weak Spots Guide (Wargaming) May 14, Game Mechanics Concentration of Fire (Wargaming) Home WOT Tank Reviews Maus Maus (Skill4ltu) Maus (Skill4ltu) by iFacePalm May 1, @ HOKxcom is a player created website about World of Tanks We are not an official Wargaming or World of Tanks website. E100 and Maus posted in Vehicle Bay Hello there fellow tankers Ive decided to do this thread out of boredom and also because Ive seen a couple E100 or Maus threads the past month or so Here, Ill try to go through both tanks as well as the tanks leading up to them based off of my own personal experience and I will try to go as indepth as I can. You might have to learn the weak spots on tanks while we wait for Wargaming to add colour blind support Edited by stickman, 11 January 15 04 PM Maus, FV42, FV215b, IS7, Object 268, T62a, Jpz E100, E100, IS4, E50M, Leopard 1, World of Tanks Xbox 360 Closed Beta.
Object 279, also known as Warrior of the Apocalypse, was recently tested on some closed internal test at Wargaming office and it’s not planned to be released in the game This tank is completely broken if introduced as it is, and it’s almost impossible to balance to the game With it’s UFO armour shape, this tank is virtually impenetrable from the front and sides, the only weak spot would be a small area at the rear. The turret armor is a massive weak spot Tier 3s can penetrate the 50mm thickness Not a brawler 75mm L48's avantage is accuracy, it is an inferior penetration gun, with less RoF than American 76mm M1A1 or B Additionally, the transmission is located in the lower glacis, and engine damage is possible from the front. This is a subreddit where we share WoT news, strategy tips, tank choices, and opinions We have a number of affiliated clans on the NA, EU, and ASIA servers for all levels of game.
Weak ammorack Huge cupola is very weak and easy damaged when sidescraping, machine gun port and lower plate weak spots also often hamper its frontal protection Performance Basically a premium equivalent of the VK100P, the Mauerbrecher breaks the mold of recent premium tanks in that it is decidedly inferior to its nonpremium counterpart. Tank Analyzer World of Tanks World of Tanks Vehicle Analyzer assesses key vehicle performance based on five critical areas Firepower Armor Mobility View Range Hitpoints The vehicle's stats are compared against other vehicles in its category and given a rating between 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. Since I am going for the Maus, I would say that the weak spot is the operator, after grinding through the MauschenLook for mistakes in how they play it due to exhaustion/frustration "I'm going to deal with this the only way us Bundys know howwith swift and blinding violence".
This is a subreddit where we share WoT news, strategy tips, tank choices, and opinions We have a number of affiliated clans on the NA, EU, and ASIA servers for all levels of game. FAQ & how you can redeem your World of Tanks bonus code 1 Go to the Premium Shop 2 Click on “Redeem Wargaming Code” on the top right 3 Log into your account 4 Enter the code in the text box and click REDEEM *non bonus related comments are deleted if they are created as a new comment, instead please select reply to a bonus code. All Weakspots On The Tier 10 Heavy Tanks!.
Posted in The Barracks I thought I would make a video on the tier ten heavy weakspots, to try and help any of you guys out who might be struggling to tackle some of them Feel free to reply if you feel I have missed out on anything and let me know if you think I could do anything better next time I do a weakspots guide!. World of Tanks Weak Spots Weak spots E100, Maus, T110, Obj 268 In primul rand vreau sa urez un sincer “LA MULTI ANI, ROMANIA!”, cu ocazia zilei de 1 Decembrie. Russian Heavy tanks such as the IS3 and the KV4 are also easy targets for ammoracking in World of Tanks when their rear turret is hit The IS3 in particular has an ammo rack that is not only contained in the turret but also down into the hull, giving opponents an even bigger zone to target for ammoracking.
This tactic works well for the lone poker that comes at you track him, bounce his shot and then put three killer holes into his weak spots using the great penetration of yours, all before he can reload. And while the armor is obviously quite good for a tier 8 heavy in many respects, the prominent weak spots and the ease with which the VK can be flanked do limit its effectiveness Finally, the simple things you can do to help protect the weak spotsconstant movement, basicallyaggravate the poor gun handling. Since it is a captured French tank, its play style differs from the other lowtier German tanks Even so, it is often compared to the Maus because of its lowdamage gun, low mobility, and high armor One may use it as a line breakthrough tank or a durable sniper.
Check out the timestamps. The Age Old Question Maus vs E100 posted in Vehicle Comparison SoI feel like this is the most asked comparison question of all I was about to head down the maus line because it’s new, fresh, and I’ve always wanted the maus But I recently procured my first tier 10, the m48, and encountered many many e100 tanks that tend to slap me with their boomsticks. WoT Guru is the premier place to find World of Tanks weak spots, help, tips, tank guides, map strategy, replays, and picking which tank is best for you.
Both are on the right side). Heavy Tanks 50TP Tyszkiewicza AE Phase I AMX 50 1 AMX M4 mle 51 Concept 1B Conqueror E 75 Emil II IS3II Lorraine 50 t M103 Mäuschen Object 257 Object 705 Object 752 Object 777 Version II STI Strv K T10 T54E1 Type 4 Heavy VK 4502 (P) Ausf B WZ111 model 14. World of Tanks is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming We're Redditors with a passion for gaming, tanks, and everything in between!.
Russian Heavy tanks such as the IS3 and the KV4 are also easy targets for ammoracking in World of Tanks when their rear turret is hit The IS3 in particular has an ammo rack that is not only contained in the turret but also down into the hull, giving opponents an even bigger zone to target for ammoracking. Stock Turret Same armour as the Maus turret, hit the rounded front turret armour beside the mantlet Cupola is still weak Ammo rack is in the rear half of the turret E75 Hull Lower glacis (130mm) Avoid shooting the upper glacis if possible, as that can bounce 12,8cm Kwk 44 shots unangled, angled it can bounce 152mm BL10s. Its weak spots are small and are less weak than other tanks Gun handling is still decent with fast aim time, good accuracy and gun depression Also good damage from the gun with a nice rate of fire Vehicle Super Conqueror Rating 92/100 (OP score).
Hello everyone, this video is dedicated to the Maus, E100, and JgPzE100 Most of the viable weakspots are featured here, and I hope you enjoy the video )D. The Maus is much more historically accurate, and is much heavier than the E 100 in terms of weight and armor The Maus also has a smaller lower glacis, but its drawback is that it cannot mount a largecaliber gun like the E 100 can Most German heavies are heavily armored, but feature similar weak spots on the lower glacis plate. Since I am going for the Maus, I would say that the weak spot is the operator, after grinding through the MauschenLook for mistakes in how they play it due to exhaustion/frustration "I'm going to deal with this the only way us Bundys know howwith swift and blinding violence".
The best way is to shoot the turret if a player does not angle it turret weak spots are at the front left and right side at the back are weak round orange plate on the turret and lower hull (between the tracks) shooting the small view port on top of the turret does no damage. You might have to learn the weak spots on tanks while we wait for Wargaming to add colour blind support Edited by stickman, 11 January 15 04 PM Maus, FV42, FV215b, IS7, Object 268, T62a, Jpz E100, E100, IS4, E50M, Leopard 1, World of Tanks Xbox 360 Closed Beta. World of Tanks Maus Weak Spots Pixel People Follow 5 years ago 31 views If you like it, please subscribe my channel ) Thanks a lot!.
WoT Blitz / Maus The turret weak spots from the frontal view can be used if the Maus driver does not angle his turret in between shots in which case both the frontal turret and side turret are immune to anything thrown at them Noob E100 is trying to pen the E5 but only about 3 shoots go in Die MobileVersion von World of Tanks, WoT Blitz, hat sich gut entwickelt und ist auf vielen. World of Tanks Maus Weak Spots Pixel People Follow 5 years ago 31 views If you like it, please subscribe my channel ) Thanks a lot!. Your turret ring is still vulnerable, however, and when angling the hull, there is a small weak point on either sides of the tracks Although moving the tank back and forward quickly while angling the hull at 45 degrees and the turret at 25 makes the turret ring, lower plate and the side of the tracks harder to hit.
Turret weak spots are at the front left and right side at the back are weak round orange plate on the turret and lower hull (between the tracks) shooting the small view port on top of the turret does no damage. Confrontation helps you learn WoT penetration mechanics Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point The app shows all tank weak spots interactively Collision is for measuring how much damage you can deal (and take) by ramming. Their ARE some weak spots (turret capula, the several small crew viewports) and they are relatively easy to hit, if you know what you are doing Just one small criticism, if the armor has obvious weak spots that are relatively easy to hit, should the armor rating really be 10 out of 10, or are you just fanning the "MiniMaus" flame?.

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